If you could focus on one area of your health that would enhance the way you eat, feel and move, what would it be?

Is there an area of your health and wellbeing you’re looking to kickstart? If so, having a 1:1 Power Hour can help you go from feeling foggy, confused and unmotivated, to being excited and motivated with a clear direction of your next steps.

Claudia Criswell cutting garlic cloves on wooden chopping board


  • You’re looking for an injection into your health and energy levels, but you’re not sure what’s missing.

  • You’re looking for guidance and support in a particular area relating to your health and would like some clear action steps to start implementing - maybe you want to follow a more plant-based diet, you want to know how to incorporate more protein into your meals, you’re struggling with your sleep, you’d like to understand more about managing cravings etc.

  • You’re unsure if you’re ready to commit to a 3-month programme, but would love a taster to see whether nutritional support and health coaching are for you.

  • You’ve tried multiple different tactics to achieve one particular health goal (such as exercising more regularly, eating healthily consistently, managing the afternoon ‘crash’), yet you still haven’t managed it and you’re uncertain about what to do next.

  • You’re feeling confused and overwhelmed with all the nutrition advice out there and just want to discover what will work best for you.

  • You feel good generally about how you eat and move your body but there is one niggling area you’re not 100% happy with and would like support to improve.

  • You’re looking for guidance and support in a particular area relating to your health and would like some clear action steps to start implementing - maybe you want to follow a more plant-based diet, you want to know how to incorporate more protein into your meals, you’re struggling with your sleep, you’d like to understand more about managing cravings etc.

  • You have a long list of questions you’re dying to ask a qualified evidence-based practitioner. Maybe you’d like to know which food brands to go for, you’d like to know how to stock your kitchen to make healthy eating second nature, what tips we can give you to get more veg into your meals, or what actionable advice we give our clients to help curb cravings.

A vase containing green foliage on a white window sill


  • Gain clarity on what you need to implement to get closer to your health goals.

  • Create a plan of action either to get you started on your health journey, or determine your next steps.


  • 60 minute Zoom session.

  • Follow up notes with a clear action plan for your next steps.

  • Any resources, recipes or handouts I feel would be helpful for you after our session.



  • We understand that life can be unpredictable and aim to be as flexible as possible with our clients.

    We have a 24 hour cancellation policy for Power Hours and sessions within the coaching programmes with the option to reschedule for another time that works well for you.

  • These are one off sessions however if you feel you'd benefit from a few sessions, we recommend booking in for either one of our coaching programmes.

  • If you'd like to record the sessions to come back to, you're very welcome to do so.